In the neighborhood

RippeyPlease send your news item to Jean Borgeson at

Sept. 5, 2016

Rippey Ladies Aid: Rippey Ladies Aid met for its first meeting of the new year.  Nancy Burrow presented a program that included pictures of their Panama trip, with appropriate scriptures.

Nancy Hanaman, chairman for the day, conducted the meeting.  Toni Roberts, secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting and Phyliss Bardole, treasurer, passed out her report.

The general business was discussed: paying bills and voting to help fund the church capital projects in progress, as well as the Bishop’s initiative project that includes buying and reading with children throughout the year. This is a project that will include community resources, including the library and people willing to read and listen to the children. Nancy Hanaman is the chairman of this project. Contact her if you are interested in helping.

At the conclusion of the meeting, everyone served themselves dessert furnished by Jean Borgeson.

Lions Club opens club year: The Rippey Lions Club met for the first meeting of the fall on Sept.1 beginning with a potluck meal. Randy Vodenik and Dick Bardole directed the grilling of the meat for members and guests.

President Randy Vodenick led the business meeting. A moment of silence was observed for the Late Keith Devilbiss. The group later voted to make a donation in Keith’s memory to Camp Hertko Hollow, a camp supported by Iowa Lions Clubs for children and youth with diabetes. The date for the fall spaghetti dinner will be on Saturday, Nov. 12.

Nancy Hanaman introduced members of the Pay It Forward Committee, Steve and Julie Karber and Carol and David John. They shared information In support of the bond issue for the Greene County Schools. The voting for the bond issue and the selection of a school board member will be on Sept. 13. Rippey area voters will go to the Rippey-Library/Community building from 7 am-8 pm.

Steve Karber shared comments including that the new building would provide better security, more classroom space, and handicap accessibility. The current five buildings, high school, middle school, elementary school and administration building in Jefferson and the intermediate school in Grand Junction would be replaced with a newer building with improvements, such as geothermal heat. For more information from the Pay It Forward Committee, email to  Facebook- “Pay It Forward-Greene County; or webpage:

The next Rippey Lions Club meeting will be on Thursday, Sept. 15, at the Rippey United Methodist Church. Community members are invited to the program at 7:45 with Ellen Johnston sharing about her experiences living and teaching in Taiwan, Nigeria and other countries. For more information about the Rippey Lions Club, contact Nancy Hanaman, last vice president, at 515-436-7684.


Rippey public library:  Librarian, Katrina Buttler; phone: 515.436.7714; website:; E-mail:

HOURS: Monday 1-6 pm; Tuesday 2-6 pm; Wednesday 3-6 pm; Thursday 2-7 pm; Friday 3-6 pm. Book club started Sept. 1. The books are in! Our first book will be Mudbound by Hillary Jordan. Please message the library on Facebook, send an email or call and let us know you would like to be part of RPL Book Club so I can make sure we have enough books for everyone.  The discussion will be in a few weeks, a date to be decided.

Rippey United Methodist Church:  PO Box 286, 103 West Main St. Rippey, IA 50235. Pastor: Paul Burrow, Pastor Rosa Soto. Phone: 515-436-7731

Adult Sunday school at 9:45 am; worship at 11 am. Every Tuesday, quilters at 9 am, coffee and fellowship at 10 am.

  • Saturday, Sept. 10 – Work day for ice cream social, 8 am
  • Sunday, Sept. 11 – Special Unified Service at Perry First UMS with Pastor Lee Schott from Women at the Well preaching; ice cream social 4-7 pm.

News in and around Rippey:

Friends in Rippey have been notified of the death of Leone Robson, formerly of Grand Junction and Rippey. Leone B. Robson passed away on August 28, 2016, in Collier Lutheran Hospice, Wheat Ridge, CO, at 97 years and 8 months. She was born on Jan. 9, 1919, to Clarence and Lulu Bell Crooks in Grand Junction. Leone was the youngest of their seven children: Ellen, Donald, Cecil, Clifford, Pauline and Irene who are all deceased.

After graduating from Grand Junction High School, she married Leonard Robson on Dec. 5, 1938. They were married for 45 years and had two sons, Dale of Golden, CO, and Ivan who died at birth. They farmed outside of Rippey, lived in Jefferson, then moved to Broomfield, CO, in 1979 to be near their son and his family. Leonard passed away June 18, 1983.

She is survived by her son Dale and Barbara Robson of Golden; grandson Scott and his sons, Jack and Will of Denver; and granddaughter Erin and her daughters Ella and Gwen of Golden.

With the death of Leone, the memory of my first years as a young bride, being welcomed into the neighborhood by the neighbors surrounding us, fills me with gratitude. Ralph, of course, knew everyone and worked alongside of the men whenever the tasks on the farm needed an extra hand. The wives were full of encouragement and advice in order for this new bride from the “city” to survive and enjoy being a farm wife.  Leonard and Leone, as well as Dar and Helen Thompson were instrumental in seeing that this old farmhouse had a coat of paint, kitchen cupboards and most important, running water for this young bride!  I can still feel and see in my mind the fun and laughter they brought.  They “sucked” me into the neighborhood and the community and their friends became mine very quickly.  It will be soon 53 years, but the early years of the now long, gone friendships fills me with gratitude.

I am grateful I landed in this little corner of the world in 1963,  filled with all those wonderful people living in the neighborhood at that time! The neighborhood may be smaller now, but I have observed that the quality is still there!!  I’m staying put!! ~Jean Borgeson


August was a busy month for Phil and Toni Roberts. On Aug. 2 they hosted a dinner party for Phil’s sister and husband, his aunt and cousins, Charlene and Gene Dorman of Perry and Kathleen Linn and Peggy and David Wells of Rippey. The relatives visited and reminisced of earlier years growing up in Rippey.

On the 14th a group consisting of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, plus two very large dogs, gathered for a meal and workday at the parental home.  Grandma Toni fed the multitude before the work began—cleaning and power washing the gutters, weed eating all around the lawn (we grew weeds this year instead of flowers) and cutting out volunteer trees and bushes! Everything got raked and carried to the brush pile—a great job done! What a blessing!

Two more visitors arrived on Aug. 27, Phil’s cousin Marolyn McDiarmid and her son Matt from North Carolina. As before, Kathleen Linn and Jean Borgeson were invited for a lunch with the visitors (Toni never misses a chance to feed everyone) and to get to know the genealogy threads that tie them all together.

At the end of August, the couple celebrated their great-grandson Dominik’s 4th birthday with a party at the home of his parents, Karen and Gregg Rooney in Churdan. Also present were his cousins Olivia and Emmalynn Roberts and Courtney Roberts of Urbandale and grandparents, Chris and Brenda Roberts of Rippey and Bryce Meyer and a friend of Perry.

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